Ultimate Face Care Face Oil – 30ml


Ultimate Face Care Face Oil – 30ml

Skin care oil that gives unique radiance, firmness and softness to the face, thanks to its composition with precious oils and natural ingredients.

It takes about 20 minutes to absorb it all.






Ultimate Face Care Face Oil – 30ml

The combination of the three amazing oils of ALMOND, TRANTAPHYLLO SEEDS and EVENING PRIMROSE, along with St. John’s wort extract and the addition of additional vitamins A and E, gave the ULTIMATE FACE CARE that is truly the product that every skin was looking for.

The adolescent, to fight acne and eliminate any scars it managed to leave and to keep open pores clean.

The youthful, to maintain its purity and shine, but also its freshness.

The most mature, to restore freshness, tighten, reduce wrinkles and regain softness.

Overworked by natural and man-made causes, for its deep cleansing and its real care, resulting in its real renewal.

Daily (preferably in the evening) facial care in two stages:

  • 1.Cleansing with FACE PURIFYING SOAP

It will give your face the true radiance, firmness and softness that everyone desires.

Ultimate Face Care Face Oil – 30ml

Natural Ingredients:

Almond oil contains vitamin A, vitamin E, Omega 3, Zinc, has soothing properties and gives velvety texture to the skin. It removes excess blend and releases pores leaving the skin to glow. Reduces sagging and dark circles under the eyes. It improves the consistency and tone of the skin and helps in cases of dry skin, eczema and acne. It helps to reverse damage from the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Reduces scarring by helping to regenerate tissue and skin streaks. Regenerates and rejuvenates the skin.

Rose seed oil is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as other antioxidants. It contains essential and anti-inflammatory fatty acids . Thus, it provides antioxidant protection, firming and elasticity and reduces marks and fine lines as it prevents the production of the enzyme MMP-1 that breaks down collagen. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces accumulated melanin.

Evening primrose oil is traditionally referred to as the royal cure for all problems. Soothes and moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles, redness, dryness and inflammation. It softens and gradually erases scars and offers softness, elasticity and tightening of the skin. Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, along with palmitic and stearic acids, give youthfulness and radiance to the skin.

St. John’s wort (HYPERICUM PERFORATUM) is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and tannins. It heals wounds and burns and has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and disinfectant action. It stimulates tissue regeneration and helps differentiate cells, as it is now proven that the Hyperforin component activates the TRPC6 channel that has been replenished


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