Hand - Foot Care

Hand – Foot Care

They are designed to help maintain the health and appearance of the skin of these areas. These products may include the following:

Hand and foot creams: These products usually contain moisturizing ingredients such as aloe, vitamin E, avocado, coconut, shea butter and others, which help moisturize and protect the skin. They can also contain antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients to maintain the health of the skin of the hands and feet.

Soaps: Soaps for hands and feet usually include gentle cleansing ingredients to remove dirt and oil from the skin, without dehydrating it.

Talcum powder: Talcum powder is a care product mainly used to absorb moisture and reduce oiliness in the skin. It is made from talcum metal mine and may contain other ingredients such as corn, rice, powder and shea butter.

Get to know Only For Men’s hand and foot care products! Find the ones that will make you feel fresh and refreshed!