Brown Black Straight Stainless Steel Falsetto


Brown Black straight stainless steel falsetto

Excellent quality stainless steel

Using it, you will be able to enjoy an enjoyable wet shaving experience at just 1/10 of the cost compared to classic razors on the market.




River Grooming



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SKU: 882358398 Categories: , ,

Brown Black straight stainless steel falsetto

High quality accessories that will solve your hands. This straight falsetto looks and feels amazing while giving you a unique shaving experience. A gentle and deep shave without irritation is guaranteed.

The best part? Using it, you will enjoy an enjoyable wet shaving experience at just 1/10 of the cost compared to classic razors on the market. Finally, it is an excellent choice for a gift.

  • Code: 882358398
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Dimensions: Overall length (closed): 14.8 cm


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